Health Exercise Tips
Here are few of the health exercise tips that can be carried out by
everyone in their life daily to maintain a healthy body and make fit.
1. Choose activities you like
2. Piece your workout together
3. Exercise with a friend
4. Keep it brisk
5. Take lunch on the move
6. Try a pedometer
7. Take the stairs
8. Turn off the TV, computer, and smart phone
9. Walk an extra stop
10. Hunt for the farthest parking space
11. Make it your own
12. Make it fun
13. Make it social
14. Sign up for a class
15. Turn sit time into fit time
16. Keep an exercise log
17. Walk or bike for errands around town
18. Ask the experts
19. Plan exercise into your day
20. Reward yourself
21. Follow an Effective Exercise Routine
22. Set Realistic Goals